It is a simple question. What do you hear from your church members that gives you the greatest encouragement? The responses from the pastors were amazingly similar. In fact, I was able to focus on 10 specific areas. Here are summary statements of those areas.
This statement was the most frequent. Read it carefully. It’s not just prayer; it’s daily prayer. The pastor understands ministry is spiritual warfare. The pastor understands prayer is one of the greatest weapons in the warfare.
Most pastors are stressed and stretched. So are their families. When a church member offers to support and help the family, the pastor feels like shouting for joy.
The key word here is “specifically.” It’s not a lot of encouragement if a church member says perfunctorily “good sermon.” Let the pastor know the specific meaning and application to you from the sermon.
Pastors take great joy when a church member understands that ministry is to be done by the members, that the pastor is not the hired hand to do it all.
Pastors need numbers of people who will take on the Barnabas role. The critics will always be there.
I have heard from countless pastors that it’s not the critics who bother them as much as the “friends” who will not speak up to the critics and church bullies.
One of the great stressors on pastors is financial worry. It is such a relief and joy when a church member takes the role of financial advocate for the pastor.
Pastors with young kids relish a husband-wife date night. Many of them are unable to go out because they can’t find or afford babysitters.
Pastors hear plenty of excuses. It is a refreshing change for them to hear from a no-excuse church member.
Yep, pastors cringe when they hear, “Pastor Bill used to do it this way.” Let your pastors know they have their own identity, and that previous pastors are not a scorecard against which they are measured. I would love to hear from church members, church staff and pastors how they could add to this list.
Pr. Steven Hynes spreads faith and hope worldwide, inspiring through powerful preaching and uplifting seminars.
Matthiasgrunwald Str 20 Bad Kreuznach
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