My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer 5 years ago. He started with 5 cancerous tumors, and God miraculously delivered him from 4 of them. One remained without any treatment, but the doctors kept a close watch on it.

Last year, the doctor decided it was time to remove the last tumor, but my husband felt a little uncomfortable with the doctor and needed to get a second opinion,

After hearing Pastor Hynes’ sermon on The Year of Right Time, Right Place, my husband asked God to put him in the right place at the right time and give him a new doctor who could perform the surgery if it was needed. Praise the Lord, God did!

My husband had the last tumor removed through surgery by a new doctor, and he is now cancer- and diabetes-free!

Thank You, Jesus, for healing my husband! Praise God for His grace. What a wonderful, loving Savior!

Donna Rodriguez
California, United States



We are Praying for you

If you are dealing with a health challenge today, we are believing with you for your breakthrough. But even as we stand in faith with you, we encourage you to practice faith WITH godly wisdom. Please continue to consult your doctor about your condition and don’t throw away your medication or disregard any professional medical advice or diagnosis. We are praying for you, and look forward to hearing your praise report!